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author: Monica Morgan alan…..Distances…….

 Gazing into the distance,
 breathing in the freshness of this now,
 I wander sometimes
 carried away by the breezes of memory,
 on the waves of dreams,
 into that which has no name of its own…
 Whether the past or the future,
 it doesn’t matter…
 Stop me a moment
 what about the rock of the mind throws,
 breaks, breaks my ego,
 in countless pieces…
 I pick up each one carefully, so
 I put together a mosaic
 along the shore of the soul,
 what about his paths
 bring me back
 to myself,
 in the chambers of my heart
 where all the answers lie,
 in the chambers of my interior
 I know, “distances” are the shortest way
 to your own soul…
 author: Monica Morgan alan

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