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Author: Monica Morgan Alaan……BE MINE IN SONG

  Maybe through your hair
  they slip through my words like fingers,
  maybe you can hear me breathing
  but i never say your name
  you belong to another species,
  I always write to you between the lines.
  Because you are still one of them all
  Source of goodness,
  arsenal of love
  waterfalls of desire
  splendor of beauty,
  river of joy,
  a small dose of desirable shame,
  something completely new for me,
  that’s why I don’t let you out of my sight,
  but i don’t know the verse
  not a word or a letter,
  and there is so much in you…
  I don’t even know those notes
  to at least show you to everyone with a song.
  I always sigh
  when i close my eyes
  and spin you with my palm on the gramophone record.
  Author: Monica Morgan Alaan

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